
The teachings of Abraham-Hicks about RELATIONSHIPS -
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Sometimes it seems like others have the power to negatively affect your experience, but that is never true; only your response to them has the power to pinch you off from the naturally good-feeling person you are. Abraham-Hicks Quotes (AHQ3334) #relationship #meditation
The relationships you have with others are a reflection of the vibration you offer... Abraham-Hicks Quotes (AHQ3363)
It's my absolute promise to you that I'm going to do everything in my power to keep myself as happy as I can possibly be. I am going to be the most selfish person you have ever known. I'm going to monitor my thoughts, words, and actions and I'm only going to choose that which makes my heart sing because that's the best partner I can be for you. Abraham-Hicks Quotes (AHQ3337) #relationship
That loneliness that you feel, that feeling that you need or want someone to talk to is the evidence that you are not allowing yourself to be the receiver of so much that is flowing to you. Abraham-Hicks Quotes (AHQ3367)
You could sit for fifteen minutes at the beginning of the day and conjure an image of yourself in your body, or in your environment, or in your business to be, or in your relationship to be, and if you could imagine it - to the point that you bring yourself to some level of enthusiasm - you will have accomplished more in that 15 minutes of visualization than you could in ten years of action. Abraham-Hicks Quotes (AHQ3352) #relationship
Law of Attraction The Essence - Eternal-joy "Nothing brings out the worst in another faster than you focusing upon it. Nothing brings out the best in another faster than you focusing upon it." Abraham Hicks Thank you Purely Abraham (again) for this quote | Facebook
Nothing brings out the worst in another faster than your focusing upon it. Nothing brings out the best in another faster than your focusing upon it. Abraham-Hicks Quotes (AHQ3328) #relationship
Loving Out Loud - The subject of relationships is our favorite subject because everything in this co-creative world is about relationships. You didn’t come to go on your own, because that creating would be very limited. And the basis of everything that you are as you are here in your physical experience is a relationship with that larger non-physical part of you. So relationship is at the basis of everything. But the thing that most miss when they are considering the subject of relationship is that it isn’t about what they are about, it’s not about how they are feeling about you, it’s about what you are feeling. In other words, it’s about the way you are responding to the relationship. There’s a tendency, and almost everyone does it, to look to others for their constant feedback. You, almost all of you, let the way others see you mold you into your being, so most people are a reflection of what other people think about them. Well, that is very backwards because what you want to do is pay attention to what you are flowing. If you want to be happy, your happiness depends upon the thoughts you think about others, not the thoughts they think about you, because you cannot control what they think about you. It’s not your job to even understand their perspective. When you try to get inside what they are living and you try to relate, all that happens is you just add more conflict to your own vibration. And so the way to soothe yourself relative to a relationship is to care about how you feel. And the way to soothe them within your relationship is to care about how you feel. ~ Abraham from the Alaskan Cruise of 2014 | Facebook
If you want to be happy, your happiness depends upon the thoughts you think about others, not the thoughts they think about you, because you cannot control what they think about you. It's not your job to even understand their perspective... Abraham-Hicks Quotes (AHQ3379)
The thoughts I think determine the relationship I attract. You are the thinking, Vibrating attractor of your experience; and the thoughts you think determine everything about the life that you live. As you turn your attention toward the positive aspects of the personalities and behaviors of others with whom you share your planet, you will train your point of attraction in the direction of only what you desire. Abraham-Hicks Quotes (AHQ3309) #relationship
To be in alignment, to be in the Vortex, and to be in the physical proximity with physical touch of another person who is also in the Vortex is the most sublime physical experience that ever exists.... Abraham-Hicks Quotes (AHQ3351) Click twice for audio (1.11min)
You can't find something that is lost. Your vibrational frequency does not allow it. The laws of the Universe will make sure you don't find what you are looking for if you do not believe you can find what you are looking for. Abraham-Hicks Quotes (AHQ3335) #law_of_attraction #relationship
Reasons for Jesus - Spirit Science and Metaphysics Spirit Science | Facebook
One who is connected to the Energy Stream is more powerful than a million who are not. And two who are harmoniously focused and connected to the Energy Stream brings about a co-creative endeavor that cannot be matched by anything else in all of the Universe. Abraham-Hicks Quotes (AHQ3268) #relationship
Every relationship, really good ones or really bad ones, are all about your ability to tune... and they have virtually nothing to do with the other person. Abraham-Hicks Quotes (AHQ3338) #workshop #relationship
Diamond Sprinkles - IS HARMONY ONE NOTE THAT EVERYBODY IS SINGING? ✨Is harmony one note that everybody is singing? Or is it a whole lot of notes that are in vibrational harmony with each other? When you give your attention to anything, the Universe responds to it. When two of you are giving your attention to it, and there is no contradiction, it is a powerful vortex. ---Abraham | Facebook
Is harmony one note that everybody is singing? Or is it a whole lot of notes that are in vibrational harmony with each other? When you give your attention to anything, the Universe responds to it. When two of you are giving your attention to it, and there is no contradiction, it is a powerful vortex. Abraham-Hicks Quotes (AHQ3308) #relationship #vortex
▶ Abraham Hicks- About Unconditional Relationship! - YouTube (13.26 min)