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an iron gate with bamboo leaves on it and the door is open to let people know what they are looking for
Cancelletto Laserato - Lasered Gate - Fabbro Graziato
Cancelletto in lamiera laserata
an outdoor stair case with metal railings and handrail
Parapetto Scala Esterna - External staircase railing - Fabbro Graziato
Parapetto in ferro, verniciato a polvere Powder-coated iron railing
an outdoor garden area with green plants and bushes
Pergola - Fabbro Graziato
Pergola a parete in ferro verniciato Wall-mounted pergola, painted iron
an iron gate is shown in front of a building
Cancello Laser - Laser gate - Fabbro Graziato
Cancello in lamiera laserata Lasered sheet metal gate
a white iron gate in the middle of a cobblestone driveway
Cancello - White Gate - Fabbro Graziato
Cancello in ferro, verniciato in forno a 180° Iron gate, painted in the oven at 180° C
a red metal structure on top of a building with buildings in the back ground and trees behind it
Gazebo - Red Gazebo - Fabbro Graziato
Gazebo in metallo, verniciato a polvere, colore RAL rosso 9002 Powder-coated metal gazebo, RAL color red 9002
an iron balcony railing overlooking a scenic valley
Parapetto Ferro - Metal Railing - Fabbro Graziato
Parapetto in ferro, verniciato a polvere Powder-coated iron railing
an old building with many windows and balconies on the outside, next to a fire escape ladder
Pensilina - Iron Canopy - Fabbro Graziato
Tettoia in ferro verniciato a polvere e vetro Canopy, powder-coated iron and glass
an apartment building with two balconies and plants growing on the windowsills
Fioriere - Metal Planters - Fabbro Graziato
Fioriere in ferro, verniciate in forno a 180° Iron planters, painted in the oven at 180° C
a large metal storage container next to a white wall and two doors on either side
Cassonetto da esterno - Outdoor Box - Fabbro Graziato
Cassonetto in metallo, da esterno Metal outdoor box
a view from the top of a bridge looking down at buildings and hills in the distance
Parapetto - Wrought-Iron Railing - Fabbro Graziato
Parapetto con elementi in ferro battuto Wrought-iron railing
an orange tiled roof with some buildings in the back ground and mountains in the background
Camini Rame - Copper Chimney - Fabbro Graziato
Camini in rame sui tetti della città di Como, realizzati su misura Tailored copper chimneys, Como city in the background
a large green tank sitting in the middle of a parking lot next to orange cones
Tettoia - Metal Shed - Fabbro Graziato
Tettoia in ferro, su misura, a protezione di un serbatoio Tailored iron shed for a tank
an umbrella is hanging from the side of a building on a cobblestone street
Pensilina - Metal Glass Canopy - Fabbro Graziato
Pensilina in ferro forgiato e vetro Forged iron and glass canopy
a set of stairs leading up to a house
Scala - Metal & Stone Staircase - Fabbro Graziato
Scala da esterno in ferro verniciato ad alte temperature, gradini in granito Outdoor staircase, high-temperature painted iron, granite steps