Loom Knit Stitch Patterns

Looking for a new stitch pattern to try on your next loom knitting project? I've got you covered with a variety of stitch patterns from basic knit and purl combinations to lace and cables. Loom on!
262 Pins
How to Convert a Needle Knit Pattern to the Loom | GoodKnit Kisses
Learn to convert a knitting pattern to use on your loom! Step by step instructions with tutorial video. https://www.goodknitkisses.com/how-to-convert-a-needle-knit-pattern/ #goodknitkisses #loomknit #knit #knitting #loomknitting #knitpattern
Loom Knit Peppermint Mug Hug | GoodKnit Kisses
Easy loom knit mug hug or jar hug makes a great gift! Free pattern and video tutorial from GoodKnit Kisses http://www.goodknitkisses.com/loom-knit-peppermint-mug-hug/ #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #cupcozy #diygiftideas #diychristmas
Loom Knit Sisal Scarf | GoodKnit Kisses
Loom knit this beautiful textured Sisal Scarf with the free pattern from GoodKnit Kisses. https://www.goodknitkisses.com/loom-knit-sisal-scarf/ #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #loomknitpattern #loomknitscarf
Prevent Knits from Curling - GoodKnit Kisses
Did your scarf curl up? Are your blanket corners rolling? Prevent your knits from curling with these 4 tips! ://www.goodknitkisses.com/Resources/prevent-knits-from-curling/ #goodknitkisses #knitting #knit #loomknit #loomknitting #knittinghelp
Learn to Make Colorful Loom Knit Baby Booties | GoodKnit Kisses
Loom knit these easy, colorful baby booties with my free pattern and tutorial. Sizes 0-12 months. #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #babyshowergifts #knitbabygifts #babybooties
feather lace stitch for loom knitters with instructions, tutorial video and chart
How to loom knit the Feather Lace Stitch tutorial video and free baby blanket pattern. #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknnitting #loomstitches #howtoloomknit #beginnerloomknitting #loomknitvideos #loomknittutorial
Loom Knit Sisal Cowl | GoodKnit Kisses
Learn how to make the Loom Knit Sisal Cowl with this free pattern and video. https://www.goodknitkisses.com/loom-knit-sisal-cowl/ #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #loomknitcowl #loomknitpattern
Stitches and Stitch Patterns for the Knitting Loom http://www.goodknitkisses.com/Resources/loom-knit-stitches-and-stitch-patterns/ #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #loomknitstitches
Loom Knit Dewdrop Washcloth free pattern with instructions, video & chart
Loom Knit Dewdrop Washcloth makes a great gift. This easy pattern includes charts and video for 2 sizes. #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #knitwashcloth #knitspaset #loomknitgifts
Easy Seed Stitch Patterns for Loom Knitters | Free Patterns with Video
Easy Seed Stitch Dishcloths for Beginners! 2 free loom knit patterns in 1 with tutorial video #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #freeloomknitpattern #learntoloomknit
Easy Ribbed Headband for Beginner Loom Knitters
Learn to loom knit an easy ribbed headband! This beginner pattern is free and includes a tutorial video. #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #loomknitpattern #howtoloomknit #beginnerloomknitting
Loom Knit Sisal Stitch
Create the woven look of a sisal mat on your knitting loom with my Sisal Stitch pattern. Easy to learn and adds a rich texture to any project. #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #loomstitches #stitchpatterns
Change Loom Knit Patterns to a New Gauge or Yarn | GoodKnit Kisses
Learn to change loom knit patterns to a new loom gauge or yarn weight with ease. https://www.goodknitkisses.com/change-loom-knit-patterns-to-new-gauge-or-yarn/ #goodknitkisses #loomknit loomknitting #loomknitpattern
Learn to Loom Knit in the Round Like A Boss! GoodKnit Kisses
Learn to loom knit in the round with these easy tutorial videos just for beginners. Plus get a free hat pattern to test out your new skills! #goodknitkisses #loomknit #loomknitting #learntoloomknit #howtoloomknit
Loom Knit Stitch Pattern Library - GoodKnit Kisses
Loom Knit stitches and Stitch Patterns can be found here. Many can be viewed as a video tutorial made by Kristen Mangus at GoodKnit Kisses