
Guarda cos' hanno progettato... Architecture from past.
55 Pins
Un chef d’œuvre Art Nouveau — Musée de la Bande Dessinée - Bruxelles
1893, Hôtel Tassel, Victor Horta, Brussels
Forget The Prairie Houses: Frank Lloyd Wright Was A Prophet Of Non-Urban Skyscrapers
St. Mark’s-in-the-Bouwerie Tower, New York, 1927-31. Interior perspective, section, and plans of the living room and balcony floors.
Le Larousse pour tous : nouveau dictionnaire encyclopédique : Larousse, Pierre, 1817-1875 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Le Larousse pour tous : Ordres
Brutalist buildings: Unité d'Habitation by Le Corbusier
Le Corbusier's first Unité d'Habitation is arguably the most influential Brutalist building of all time.
Storia fotografica delle biblioteche - Il Post
IlPost - La biblioteca pubblica Geroge Peabody, che si trova nella Johns Hopkins University di Baltimora, in Maryland, Stati Uniti. Fu completata nel 1878. (The Library, by James Campbell and Will Pryce, Published by Thames