00 Scuola - pista ciclabile

ZAC des Bayonnes - La Compagnie du Paysage
Week 11: One of the ideal street design. Width of this street is perfect. Everything is put in order. Pedestrian got their sidewalk. Cars got their parking and roads. Also green space is quite important for a street.
Two more reasons we need more dedicated cycling space in the central city
For years, Portland bicycle riders have been forced to share the same roads with car, truck and transit operators. PBOT has timed the signals for around 12 mph, which keeps most people in check. But the shared environment only attracts a tiny percentage of people. To move the needle for ridership, we must give people a more comfortable place to ride.
Vassar St. cycletrack, Cambridge, Massachusetts. (2004-2009) Design: Carol R Johnson Associates
Bike Lanes and Medians Planned for Section of West Broad - Columbus Underground
Bike Lanes and Medians Planned for Section of West Broad
landscape architecture | Tumblr
Ideia de aproveitamento de espaços: fluxos + lazer (esporte - skate)
Street Creeks: How These Pretty Rainwater Gardens Could Vastly Improve Water Quality in NYC
INTERVIEW: How These Pretty Rainwater Gardens Could Vastly Improve Water Quality…
Allen Street Extension Project Design Alternatives - Buffalo Rising
Aquarium Perspective Lesson Art for kids - Leah Newton Art
Explore high quality art lesson plans, a thematically based art curriculum, and student artwork based in the elements and principles of design.
Road texture seamless 07627
Textures Texture seamless | Road texture seamless 07627 | Textures - ARCHITECTURE - ROADS - Roads | Sketchuptexture