
20 Pins
George’s Fence Post Puller – Mother Earth News
Here is a fence post puller you can cut, drill, and assemble from low-cost materials.
Shop Tips
Right Angle Braces - Wood Mag Tip of the Day For each pair, start with a 12″ square of 3⁄4″ Baltic-birch plywood and cut it in half diagonally. Then cut notches for the clamps, above. You can vary sizes to suit larger or smaller projects. The braces help with more than glue-ups. Clamp a pair to a chest, above, to support the lid as you install hinges.
Woodworking - Make an End Center Marking Jig
Woodworking - Make an End Center Marking Jig
Outils maison / Index / Homemade Tools
T-track Drawing Compass / Compas à tracer sur rail d'aluminium