How can a plastic bottle change the world?

Not just a bottle, not just plastic...
21 Pins
A PET bottle can change the world in some different ways ;) just making some kids playing :)
What do you get when you mix #sunshine, an old plastic bottle filled with water and chlorine? A 55-watt solar bulb that refracts #sunlight and is powerful enough to light up a home! Developed for the #MyShelter Foundation the ‘Liter of Light’ or Isang Litrong Liwanag is an environmentally friendly, inexpensive and easy-to-make lighting solution for communities living without #electricity.
Solar heater made of PET bottles Made with PVC pipes, milk cartons and bottles, tetra pak the invention uses sunlight to heat water.
Liter of Light Turns Plastic Bottles into Solar Light
A Liter of Light re-uses plastic bottles to refract sunlight into otherwise dark homes. Saw this video at a film festival at Walking Mountains Science Center in Avon, Colorado (Sept 2012).
The Story Of: Plastic Bottle Dreams | Upcycle That
The Story Of: Plastic Bottle Dreams
Just an idea!
recycling! Latin American designer working to make eco-sustainable homes out of recycled P.E.T.
How bottles bring light to world's poorest
A simple initiative in the Philippines is bringing a bit of brightness into the lives of the country's poorest people. The project is called "Litre of Light", and the technology involved is just a plastic bottle filled with water. It's an environmentally-friendly alternative to an electric light bulb, and it's virtually free. The BBC's Kate McGeown reports from Manila.
Lighting up lives, one bottle at a time #Sensy entdeckt #liter_of_light und pick auf's Bild. Der scheinbare #Fortschritt entpuppt sich als billiger Versuch von #Solidaritaet.. Lies die #Kommentare #let_the_sunshine_in your heart und #pieps_mich_an zum kostenfreien Erstgespräch 08822 25 40 10
How Solar Bottle Bulbs Works and A Liter of Light Campaign 2012
A Liter of Light project. How to Make a Solar Bottle Bulb (equivalent to 50 watts) This low-tech aid is helping people around the developing world cut back on electricity. To make a Solar Bottle Bulb, you need a 1.5 Liter PET bottles, flat or corrugated metal roof, filtered water, chlorine, salt and sealant. This simple lighting technology is very easy to make. Just follow the simple steps on this website.
A Liter of Light is a program inspired by many innovations from around the world. Many cultures have used glass bottles to allow lighting through the roof. To light a Million Homes by 2015.
Recycled bottles to create solar lamps used by 1 Liter of Light Project
Recycled bottles to create solar lamps used by 1 Liter of Light Project
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1 Liter of Light (Isang Litrong Liwanag) » Profile Pictures ....donate to brighten peoples homes & lives