
matematica-il libro delle tabelline
Schemi didattici e giochi didattici per migliorare il rendimento scolastico
matematica-il libro delle tabelline
Schemi didattici e giochi didattici per migliorare il rendimento scolastico
Two For Tuesday: 50% Off Two New Products!
Get your students excited and motivated about memorizing their multiplication facts!
Teacher Treasures
Freebie Page (Try a Coping Skills Fortune Teller - Put behaviors where the math problems are and coping skills inside)
Free Multiplication Small Book Printables
Free Multiplication Small Books - 2 different types of book options -
Multiplication Arrays
Multiplication Arrays - Such a clever way for the students to MAKE the array for themselves they really start to understand this concept.
Súper idea DIY para aprender las tablas de multiplicar
Súper idea DIY para aprender las tablas de multiplicar (1)
Lapbook delle tabelline
good idea for fact practice-fast finisher activity. Add a new list once they have mastered the first.