tecniche nuove

69 Pins
Giocare con il contagocce e gli acquerelli
Ricordate l'effetto hippy delle magliette psichedeliche di mille colori arcobaleno? Forse è passato di moda, ma l'accozzaglia e il miscuglio di colori...
Lavoretti per bambini: i più originali e divertenti da realizzare
Abbiamo cercato, selezionato e raccolto alcuni lavoretti per i bambini: oltre a essere molto originali e divertenti da realizzare, non richiedono alcun dottorato in ingegneria...
Kandinsky Inspired Heart Art - Arty Crafty Kids | Abstract Heart Art Project
Arty Crafty Kids | Art for Kids | Kandinsky Inspired Heart Art | Inspired by Kandinsky Art, this gorgeous Heart Art Painting is a fabulous art project for kids that can framed and shared as a Kid-Made Gift for any special occassion, uncluding Mother's Day and Valentine's day
Easy Tie Dye Art with Baby Wipes
Easy Tie Dye Art with Baby Wipes: Such a fun way to explore tie dye and you can make a super simple bunting!
38 Awesome Art Projects for Kids Inspired by Famous Artists - Crafty Kids at Home
Introduce your kids to art history and encourage them to have a go at some of the techniques used by famous artists. Fun for kids of all ages.
Cling Film Art
Arty Crafty Kids | Art | Cling Film Art | A fun art idea for kids that great for colour mixing and mess free sensory art.
Splat Art: Explore Science and Art in Preschool
Hands-on fun way for kids to explore gravity. Great mix of science and art for young kids.