
16 Pins
Christmas Tree Garland with Nikki from Everything Under the Moon
christmas - love this. no instructions. in fact I got a suspicious link warning. but still want to hang onto the idea.
kerstboom van verschillende stofjes. Foto geplaatst door Hippemams op
Bekijk de foto van Hippemams met als titel kerstboom van verschillende stofjes en andere inspirerende plaatjes op
Sassy Sites!
Would be a cute idea to do with little ones while they are home from school to learn to sew......If you want to make your OWN Xmas decorations, clothes and gifts you can - at our weekly Stitch Classes in Brighton & Hove!
We Heart It
#decoriamo le #pigne little tree (Christmas crafts) #xmas #decorations #diy #christmas #natale #idea #facile #faidate #easy #todo #decorazione #craft #kids #lavoretti #inspiration
20 Homemade Ornament Ideas to Upgrade Your Christmas Tree - Pretty Designs
Pigne con pon pon
10 Times Paper Snowflake Decorations Actually Looked Pretty Fancy
10 Times Paper Snowflake Decorations Actually Looked Pretty Fancy. A pretty hanging hallway display crafted by I Heart Organizing.