
79 Pins
Stitching Photographs: Various Approaches
A curated exhibition at the Robert Mann Gallery in New York this summer explores the approaches of 11 artists who take a needle and thread to photographs.
SYLVIA PLATH: Trovando la propria Voce… Finding her Voice
Sylvia Plath nacque il 27 ottobre 1932. (Boston, 27 ottobre 1932 – Londra, 11 febbraio 1963). Si tolse la vita a 30 anni. E’ attraverso la Scrittura che l’intensità del suo singolare ge…
Personal work is personal AND professional growth!
Personal work is personal AND professional growth! Great article by Lindsay…
the white hotel
Charlotte Bracegirdle, New York 1932 (2010)...this is how I see many people. a part of them eaten up, lost, by disillusions, false perspectives, ideals and values set by their society, eaten up by things the think they need, ideals and standards of beauty. walking around with bits and pieces missing.. -&nbspinspirationalwalldecor Resources and Information.
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