gâteau 🎂

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This may contain: someone is cutting into a pink cake with white frosting on it's side
This may contain: some kind of food that is on a white plate with purple and yellow sprinkles
Mafroukeh aux pistaches💘
1hr · 10 servings Ingredients • 2 cups osmaliya dough • 1 cup pistachios • 3/4 cup powdered sugar • 2 tbs butter • 2 drops green food coloring • 3 tbs blossom water • 1 tbs rose water • Ashta for filling. • Blend for 10mins until the dough is formed.
Recette facile tarte potimarron cannelle
30min · 6 servings Ingrédients : • 1 pâte brisée • 600g de potimarron • 2 œufs • 1 cuillère à soupe de maïzena • 1 cuillère à café de cannelle • 4 cuillères a soupe de sucre miscovado • 20cl de crème fraîche liquide
This may contain: a person cutting into a pie on top of a wooden table with pumpkins in the background
Tarte à la citrouille 🎃
45min · 4 servings Ingrédients La pâte • 150 g Farine de blé T80 • 75 g purée de noisette • 50 ml lait d’avoine • 30 ml miel La garniture • 270 g potimarron sans peau ni pépin • 130 ml crème de soja • 2 oeuf • 40 g beurre clarifié • 40 g sucre complet • 20 ml extrait de vanille • noix de muscade en poudre
This may contain: there is a blue plate with some bread on it and a knife in the middle
Cake salé butternut feta
Pour 6 personnes, ingrédients : - 1/2 courge butternut - 200 g de farine - 1 sachet de levure chimique - 3 œufs - 10 cl de lait - 7 cl d'huile - 100 g de feta - 5 brins de persil - 1 C A S de graines de courge - 1 C A S de graines de tournesol - 30 g de beurre
This may contain: the man is holding six cups of hot chocolate
Dessert au chocolat
This may contain: several desserts on a plate with strawberries and ice cream in the background,
Biscoff Desserts (No Bake) | Kookmutsjes
If you love creamy, cookie-filled desserts that are super easy to make, this Biscoff treat is for you! We’re talking layers of velvety mascarpone cream, crunchy Biscoff cookies, and a generous drizzle of Biscoff spread—sounds like a dream, right?