
233 Pins
Duo de fenouil et de dahlia pompon
Superb agreement between fennel ( Foeniculum vulgare 'Zefa Fino') and dahlias 'Black Diamond'.
Jardin de rocaille à saint Remy de Provence dans les Alpilles
Romarins rampants, Atriplex, Teuchrium fructicans, Lonicera nitida et graminées dans un jardin de rocaille à Saint Rémy de Provence | Pépinières Merandal
Large Garden – Small Garden by Adrian Bloom | GAP Gardens Blog
Autumn colour at The Bressingham Gardens last for a few weeks, with a succession of displays by a wider range of trees, shrubs, perennials and grasses. Here an Acer palmatum Aureum is about to drop red toned leaves, which contrast with late blue flowers of Aconitum arendsii. © Richard Bloom/GAP Photos
Met verschillende groentinten kunnen ook heel creatief borders worden ingetekend. #Vasteplanten #Planten #Tuinontwerp #Tuin
Take a Tour of Martha's Most Beautiful Gardens—and Learn How She Created Each One
Gartenstrecke im Juni 2016 - Karin Urban-NaturalSTyle
Gartenstrecke im Juni 2016 - Karin Urban - NaturalSTyle
8 Best And Wonderful Planting Combination Ideas For Beautiful Garden — Freshouz Home & Architecture Decor
My Favorite Plant Combinations 66