Bartender's Art

Being a bartander is not just a job, it’s an art. Among the ingredients of your cocktail there will be always love and passion.
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Discover all Things Christmas at Southern Living
There's a very special atmosphere when your bartender is preparing your cocktail: everything looks better and more relaxed :) #bartender #cocktail #drink #special #inspiration #work
Bologna Negroni con GIN e Marendry Fabbri
Bologna Negroni: un drink completamente Made in Fabbri, dove le note amaricanti del bitter Marendry si sposano perfettamente con i tratti botanici del Dry Gin Fabbri
Martini con Ciliege Speciali Fabbri
Per i tuoi martini Fabbri ha pensato a una guarnizione tutta speciale: le Ciliege Fabbri Speciali. Un tocco di stile per l'accompagnamento perfetto, immerse in eccellente spirito di 12°, denocciolate, 100% ciliegie italiane e senza coloranti artificiali.
Sciroppi per cocktail, ingredienti per barman
Bruno Vanzan show at Sigep 2018. #brunovanzan #sigep #sigep2018 #flairshow #bartender #cocktail #amarenafabbri
Marendry Fabbri
Enrico Scarzella creates an original cocktail using Marendry #cocktail #bartender #mixology #Marendry #amarenafabbri
Penicillin con Zenzero Fabbri
Il tocco unico del nuovo tesoro di casa Fabbri, lo Zenzero Fabbri, per il tuo Penicillin perfetto! Scopri subito il nuovo Zenzero Fabbri per i migliori garnish per il tuo locale!
Homepage 2022 - Lady Amarena
Fenia Athanasiadi is Lady Amarena 2017
Sciroppi per cocktail, ingredienti per barman
What are our Lady Amarena Fenia Athanasiadi's trade secrets? Elegance and creativity are definitely two of them! #LadyAmarena #amarenafabbri #cocktail #barlady #bartender
Sciroppi per cocktail, ingredienti per barman
Drinking a cocktail is an experience that must be lived to the last detail. Bruno Vanzan's ice cubes are just as unique as his cocktails! #cocktail #BrunoVanzan #bartender #flairlife
Haven Cocktail Chef Gedeon Tsegaye on the Art of the Perfect Drink
Great care is necessary to make a good cocktail! Look how focused is this bartender ;) #bartender #cocktail #job #drink #good #care #art
Being a bartender is an art and to be good in your job you need the right ingredients. Have you ever tried to make a cocktail with Amarena Fabbri or other of our products? ;) #bartender #job #art #cocktail #drink #amarenafabbri #fabbri1905 #good #ingredients #idea #style
Homepage 2022 - Lady Amarena
Andriani Vladimirou is Lady Amarena 2018! Here she is with Nicola Fabbri, promoter of the competition. #LadyAmarena18 #ladyamarena #cocktail #barlady #bartender
Homepage 2022 - Lady Amarena
Francesca Lolli is Lady Amarena Italia 2018! #barlady #bartender #cocktail #ladyamarena18 #ladyamarena #amarenafabbri
Homepage 2022 - Lady Amarena
Fenia Athanasiadi is Lady Amarena 2017
The *Original* Verdant Lady (Green Chartreuse Cocktail with Gin & Mint)
Can't wait to enjoy the weekend? Take inspiration from this wonderful cocktail that the bartender is preparing and make yours. It will be suddenly weekend! #bartender #cocktail #good #weekend #inspiration