Prog. Vincy

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Lapbook di classe: LE CIVILTA' MESOPOTAMICHE 4a - MaestraMarta
Lapbook di classe: LE CIVILTA' MESOPOTAMICHE 4a - MaestraMarta
I Babilonesi: Schede Didattiche per la Scuola Primaria
The Ishtar Gate was constructed by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II circa 575 BCE. It was the eighth gate of the city of Babylon (in present day Iraq) and was the main entrance into the city. The Ishtar Gate was part of Nebuchadnezzar's plan to beautify his empire's capital and during the first half of the 6th century BCE, he also restored the temple of Marduk and built the renowned wonder: the Hanging Gardens as part of this plan. The magnificence of the Ishtar Gate was so well known that
Medieval Crafts For Kids - Easy Crafts For Kids
Recycle that old cardboard into great Medieval crafts for kids, like our wondrous castle!
Assyrian, Chaldean, and Persian Art and Architecture Flashcards |
The gates of Babylon with the hanging gardens visible in the background
Animals drawn from C6th Babylonian Gate of Ishtar - Sean McSorley:
Castillos recortables - Los mejores recortables de castillos Gratis
Castillos recortables Castillo recortable para descargar 1
Découpage château fort
Voici un château-fort à découper et à monter, qui devrait vous entraîner pour de longues heures de jeu. Mais tout d'abord, vers un travail de précision assez long, où les Papas seront les bienvenus. Car certains éléments du château sont assez compliqués à monter... Les instructions de montage sont présentées dans des pages spécifiques, elles seront très utiles. Bon découpage et montage du château-fort d' !