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This is one of my favorite flexibility drills using a stability ball that my circus coach taught me!
This is one of my favorite flexibility drills using a stability ball that my circus coach taught me! This drill helps with my shoulder and back flexibility. If I focus on sending my feet over my head, it really works my glutes! Believe it or not, the ball stays! 🤯 I’ve never had it slip from underneath me. This drill is definitely not for beginners but if you have a full wheel pose in your yoga practice, you might enjoy this! I recommend using a spotter at first because the ball adds a leve
Come perdere peso 7 kg in 10 giorni
Non c'è bisogno di esercizio, è totalmente naturale. Questa dieta trasformerà completamente il tuo corpo in soli 21 giorni. #dietasana #perderepeso #dietaperdimagrire #dietachetogenica #dietamediterranea #fitness #dietadimagrante #pesoideale #dietaplank #dietamediterranea #dietadelriso #dietadimagrante #dietaproteica #yoga #dietachetogenica #dietaperdimagrire #dietamediterranea #dietamediterranea #dietadelriso #italian #cibo #comeperderepeso #salute #dieta #matchaslim #ecoslim #slim #keto
No bench No problem
Your body • balance ball If you dont have a bench but have a balance ball that's all you need. There are so many different amd awesome exercises that you can do with the balance ball. Check out the rest of my videos for different exercises.
Y’all my buns are still burning from this Pilates set! Check the post before this one for the carous
a woman doing exercises on an exercise ball with the words 4 - move workout for klutzes
4 Moves That'll Help Make You Less Clumsy
4 Moves That'll Help Make You Less Clumsy
Improve running performance with these exercises!
Offerta lampo: -50% e spedizione gratis su PowerTone™! Raggiungi i tuoi obiettivi fitness!
Offerta imperdibile - -50% solo oggi - Spedizione gratuita - Porta il tuo fitness a un nuovo livello con PowerTone™.
Mettetevi in forma per l'estate in soli 10min al giorno
Dite addio agli allenamenti infiniti e scoprite un approccio innovativo che semplifica e amplifica il vostro percorso di fitness. Progettata per tutti i livelli, dai principianti che vogliono costruire una base solida agli appassionati di fitness che cercano una sfida in più, la nostra ruota offre una versatilità senza pari.