
66 Pins
How to Make a Leather Skirt Bigger |
Make a too-small leather skirt bigger by adding a beautiful fabric panel and a long zipper to the front.
Purl Soho | Shop Beautiful Yarn For Beautiful Knitting
Very nice tutorial on sewing felt into a blanket (here, a quillow). Starts with squaring-up pieces using quilter's ruler and rotary cutter. From Mary Flanagan via PurlBee
Cable Pullover Hoody XL - Etsy
Upcycled sweaters into hoodie jackets/cut up sweaters to make jacket
An Offbeat Cardigan
upcycle cardigan with bottom of a shirt - I would go a little further by adding cuffs and flounce at collar
Гибрид рубашки и тишотки
Restyle Idea | sweatshirt front and sleeve cuffs with plaid shirt back and sleeves But I would keep the plaid shirt intact and see the sweatshirt inside
DIY: Men’s Shirt Refashion
ACT Style Blog: DIY Men’s Shirt Refashion, Thursday, February 13, 2014
Lessons From the Past:2 - Shirt Shuffle
Layouts for cutting garments from men's shirts.
Natron & Soda
Tunic from Mens Shirt
This item is unavailable - Etsy
refashion ideal one of a cute idea. Other options perhaps old hoodie and t-shirt put together.
Purl Soho | Shop Beautiful Yarn For Beautiful Knitting
If I could ever get my hands on some felted wool, I might actually be able to do this!