Dolci Aiuti di Natale - Christmas with Dolci Aiuti & Friends

Can we make the BIGGEST Christmas album on Pinterest? I bet WE CAN! :) // Possiamo creare il PIU' GRANDE album di Natale su Pinterest? Siamo convinti di sì! :)
135 Pins
My Favorite Ornament
My Favorite Ornament » Our Daily Bread » Stamping » Amazing Paper Grace Does any know how to make the paper ornament?
DIY Christbaumkugeln
Punch out 6 circles of either scrapbook paper, old Christmas cards, or wrapping paper. Fold the circles in half and paste them back-to-back. Before gluing the last circle in place, put hanging ribbon or string in center then glue.
Simple Homemade Christmas Ornaments
These simple homemade Christmas ornaments will brighten up your tree and home! Easy, step-by-step instructions for how to make your own decorations this Xmas.
Torta di Natale in stile Thun, 2013
Biscotti di Natale decorati in pasta di zucchero, 2013