Health & Body

5 Steps for Getting into Dragonfly Pose
This intricate arm balance relies on arm, core, and leg strength, balance, and spinal and hip flexibility. Miami Vinyasa and Vedanta teacher Rina Jakubowicz shows you how to warm up and take flight.
8 Challenging Yoga Poses For Core Strength
Yoga poses that emphasize core strength. Try them out one at a time, holding each for 30 seconds. Go through the entire sequence twice; for moves that are one-sided, do one side the first time through and the other side the second time through.
Pilates at Home - 24 Core Exercises in 3 Series - The Health Science Journal
24 Exercises in 3 Series – All about Your Back, Spine & Posture - The Health Science Journal
9 Easy Stretches to Release Lower Back and Hip Pain
f you are suffering from lower back or hip pain, you are not alone. More than 26 million Americans, between the ages of 20 and 64, experience back pain (1) and, very often, lower back and hip pain are related. Get all exercises here:
Online Yoga Classes - Online Yoga Virtual Classes Delhi, Gurgaon
five branches of yoga infographic
Yoga for Desk Dwellers — YOGABYCANDACE
Yoga sequence for hips and hamstrings - Sitting down all day makes for really tight hips and hamstrings which often is the root cause of low back pain. If that pertains to you, give this sequence a try. Always work within a pain-free range, and never push yourself too hard. Breathe 5-7 long, full breaths in each pose before going on to the next posture.
For opening up your hips.
For opening up your hips. | Sitting at work, sitting in the car, sitting on the couch. We sit a lot. And tight hips are the scourge of sitters. Learn these basic (but brilliant) poses from PopSugar to open your hips and stretch you out.
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Quick Morning Yoga Sequence [educational infographic]