My newest robot " love sick"
"love sick" made from a vintage electrical box, table legs, bicycle head lamp, pencil sharpener, windshield wiper arms, doorbell chimes, v8 engine rocker arms, hands made from a vacuum cleaner latch, metal gear, and some other odds and ends.
Hommage aux ferronniers d'art
The wrought iron door -- Chaillot, Paris, Ile-de-France
parte finale della lavorazione su conchiglia
A Lackadaisical Lexicon for Laggard Logophiles
ODALISQUE [noun] 1. a female slave or concubine in a harem, especially in that of the sultan of Turkey. 2. any of a number of representations of such a woman or of a similar subject, as by Ingres or Matisse. 3. an exotic, sexually attractive woman. Etymology: French, alteration of earlier odalisque, from the Turkish odalık, meaning “chambermaid”, from oda, “chamber” or “room”. It can also be transliterated odahlic, odalisk, and odaliq. [Adrian Borda - Odalisque]