
40 Pins
Gufetti fai da te: 1000 modi per creare gufi riciclosi. Idee Regalo
Gufetti fai da te: 1000 modi per creare gufi riciclosi. Idee Regalo
cartamodello gonna a portafoglio particolare
Sewing jeans: Muslin 4 - Infectious Stitches
Good post on fitting a muslin - It was especially helpful for me to see the fabric pinned out of the front crotch area.
Mette / DROPS 160-4 - Modelli di maglia gratuiti di DROPS Design
Mette - Coprispalle DROPS lavorato ai ferri con motivo traforato in ”BabyAlpaca Silk”. Taglie: S-XXXL. - Free pattern by DROPS Design
How to set dress patterns protruding belly...♥ Deniz ♥ More
Design and Sew Balanced Garments - Threads
[HOW TO CREATE BALANCED GARMENTS - a Threads Magazine article for 'Threads Insiders'] Learn how to create beautiful, comfortable and balanced garments with this article.
Make a pillow cover with an invisible zipper (no pins needed!)
Tutorial for a pillow cover with a very invisible zipper. DIY pillow cover with invisible zipper by Jona Giammalva.