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Il vero amore di Dio per l’uomo
Ma egli è stato trafitto a motivo delle nostre trasgressioni, fiaccato a motivo delle nostre iniquità; il castigo, per cui abbiam pace, è stato su lui, e per le sue lividure noi abbiamo avuto guarigione.(Isaia 53:5) #crocifissionegesù #gesùmisericordioso #gesùincroce
Prayer for when you need joy
Get what is essential to your soul. This prayer for when you need joy helps you see how Christ makes all things new.
ice cream and hormonal acne talk
And I am sure that GOD, who began the good work within you will continue His work until it is finally finished on that day when Christ Jesus comes back again
Amen, in Jesus name I accept my blessings of desires in abundance of…
Most Popular Mystery Writer
This book that so many try to discredit has been read, studied, scrutinized and loved by more people than any other book in all of history. And it continues to change lives thousands of years after the last chapter was written. ~ Click image and when it enlarges, click again to read this 1-minute devotion about it.
i love this picture. Aren't we all lost in the stream of life? And the Savior is always reaching out to us and willing to carry us through the tough times...we just have to make the choice to take his hand
Good Shepherd Holy Card
"If you look up into His face and say, 'Yes, Lord, whatever it costs,' at that moment He'll FLOOD YOUR LIFE with His PRESENCE and POWER." ~ Alan Redpath
200 Pictures of Jesus Christ, God
My Shepherd