200 Pins
Rounded Tapered Shield Ring in Brass - Etsy
Was going to make a ring just like this in my metal smithing class this past summer but i had to quit the class early to attend to family matters. love.
Cet article n'est pas disponible - Etsy
Bagues en fil aluminium striée de deux couleurs (noire/doré foncé et noir/doré clair
Natural Elements Spiral Ring Any Size Adjustable Swirl Ring Silver Ring Simple Ring Wire Wrap Ring Waves Ocean Wind Jewelry Gifts Under 10. $9.95, via Etsy.
Anello a forma di cuore con spirale fatto su misura Loop e spirali - Etsy Italia
Copper, silver and enamel.
Lovve it! Copper, silver and enamel. by MuSaLuNeRa, via Flickr
Eco-gioielli fai-da-te: come creare anelli riciclando i cavi elettrici
Eco-gioielli fai-da-te: come creare anelli riciclando i cavi elettrici
Wire S Knoten Ring Spiralen Custom Made Wählen Sie Ihre Farbe -
Draht S-Knoten-Ring Custom Sie die Farbe von RefreshingDesigns