
41 Pins
Benedict-Cumberbatch-ELLE-UK-December-Issue-Magazine-Editorial-Tom-Lorenzo-Site-TLO (3)
Look closely. Do you see something involving Star Trek?
Here dwell together still two men of note.
The picture itself is wonderful. But add to the fact that I'm almost certain several scenes in Torchwood were filmed in the same hallway, and it's just that much better.
14 Times We Fell In Love With Sherlock
hey guys, I haven't been on here for ages!! what's been happening? joined any new fandoms? got a new pet? found another fictional character to crush on?
One of my absolute FAVORITE characters ever! Well done, Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock!
The Final Problem
The name’s Sherlock Holmes - fanart by aplaceforustodream/lauhfeyson