Teoria del colore

11 Pins
palette 57, F3LC4T
[Infografica] Tinteggiare casa: significato dei colori secondo il feng shui - Spazi Fluidi
[Infografica] Tinteggiare casa: significato dei colori secondo il feng shui : SPAZI FLUIDI #fengshui #colori #tinte
How to Use Numerology to Guide Your Life – Get Your FREE Personalized Reading!
we are not meant to be perfect, we are meant to be whole. #goodtoknow
IxDF - Interaction Design Foundation - Colours make you feel, learn more on a design course - https://www.interaction-design.org/courses/ Img: http://goo.gl/7q8VNH | Facebook
Culture image inspiration on Designspiration
Colors and Culture - How colours are understood by various world cultures and religions. Interesting just how varied colour symbolism can be!