Overhead monorail conveyors CM

Pictures of overhead monorail conveyors by CM Automazione. In the monorail conveyors, the function of bi-planar chain is twofold: traction and load-bearing.
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Overhead monorail conveyor X45-03 - assembly lines - distribution of washing machine bodies
Monorail conveyor X45-03 Use: 3 conveyors for distribution of washing machine bodies along assembly lines. Features: Overall bi-planar chain covering 750 meters; Transport units with 1000 mm spacing; Solenoid controlled turnbuckle.
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Use: Conveyor line for aluminium profile painting. Features: Overall bi-planar chain covering 260 meters; Fixed slotted hooks with 200 mm spacing; Solenoid controlled turnbuckle.
Overhead monorail conveyor X37-04 - application of wet enamel
Use: N. 2 Conveyors for the application of wet enamel. Features: 96 meters per line; Fixed hooks with 200 mm spacing; Mobile c-shaped hooks; Oil seal plates along all the line.
Overhead monorail conveyor X37-03 - wooden seat painting
Use: Conveyor line for wooden seat painting. Features: Overall bi-planar chain covering 96 meters; Rotating hooks with multiple spring-latch at 90° with 800 mm spacing; Rotating unit in control box.
Overhead monorail conveyor X37-02 - wooden chairs painting line
Use: Conveyor line for wooden chair painting. Features: Overall coverage of bi-planar chain of 80 meters; Rotating hooks with toothed ring and system lock with 1200 mm spacing; Hook rotation unit; Centring rack for transport units.
Conveyor type X45P by CM Automazione Italy
CM Automazione case history: Conveyor type X45P, cataphoresis and powders line for radiant panels. Convogliatore aereo monorotaia tipo x45p, impianto cataforesi e verniciatura radiatori.
Monorail conveyor X45-02
Use: Conveyor for distribution of washing machine rotating units along assembly lines Features: Overall bi-planar chain covering 600 meters; Three-compartment transport units with 1000 mm spacing
Monorail conveyors for painting line
In the monorail conveyors, the function of bi-planar chain is twofold: traction and load-bearing. The movement of the materials on the monorail conveyors is ensured by this, formed by a load-bearing and directional mesh, which runs through a closed circuit inside the relative rail or sliding track with the ability to twist along both horizontal and vertical planes.