
127 Pins
The Dangers of a Dirty Chimney
If your fireplace is not cleaned correctly, it can negatively impact your health and safety. Let’s review the dangers associated with a dirty chimney.
What are Chimney Dampers and Why are They Important?
Chimney dampers serve many purposes; without them, a chimney system cannot function properly. Today, we’re going to discuss in detail why chimney dampers are so significant.
How Winter Weather Affects Your Chimney
Cold weather signals impending snowstorms, freezing temperatures, and moisture damage to your chimney. Keep reading to learn more about the impact of winter weather on your chimney and how to protect it.
Tips for Cleaning Your Dryer Vents
The accumulation of lint in your dryer vents can be dangerous, so it’s essential to inspect and clean your vents regularly. Here are some tips for cleaning your dryer vents.
What to Do When There’s an Animal in Your Chimney
Animals are cute, but no one wants an animal stuck inside their chimney! The effects are damaging to both animals and homeowners. Here is what you should do if you find an animal in your chimney.
How to Keep Insects Out of Your Chimney
There are steps you can take to prevent insects from living in your chimney and keep them out for good. Here is how you can prevent insect infestations in your chimney.
How to Prevent Dryer Fires
Lint build-up is one of the most common causes of dryer fires. Don't let this inconvenience cost you thousands of dollars in property damage. Here are some tips for preventing dryer fires.
What to Know About New Chimney Building
There are some things to be cautious of when building a new chimney. Let's go over what to know about new chimney building.
Why Should You Hire a Certified Chimney Company
A professional chimney sweep ensures your chimney is clean and in good working order. Here are a few reasons to choose a certified chimney service company.
Chimney Flashing 101: What to Know
You may know flashing is an important part of a chimney, but you might not know what it does. It protects your chimney from water damage or mold. Let’s review some facts about chimney flashing.
Preparing for a Chimney Sweep Appointment
Hiring a chimney sweep service keeps your fireplace running efficiently and your family safe. Here are a few tips to prepare for your chimney sweep appointment.
Protecting Your Chimney from Creosote
Because it is sticky, creosote easily adheres to the chimney’s walls and builds up over time. Let’s learn about creosote and how to prevent it from building up in your chimney.
Which Chimney Cap is Right for Your Chimney?
Although a chimney cap performs one primary function, there are a few varieties you should be aware of. Let's review the different types of chimney caps.