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Hübsches kleines Rotkehlchen., #robinBird - Animal wild,Animal cutest,Animal funny and Animal supplies blog
Hübsches kleines Rotkehlchen., #robinBird - Pet care is both enjoyable business. But it is an effort that requires as much responsibility. We must provide them with everything they need to maintain their lives in a healthy way in all respects and implement a care program accordingly. They, like human beings, need both physical and moral care and love. It is necessary to devote special time to these. If we assume this responsibility, we must act with all the necessary things for their healthy de
Jardin : 5 choses à savoir sur le rouge-gorge
Oiseau très commun sous nos latitudes, le rouge-gorge s'invite parfois dans nos jardins. Mais saviez-vous que ce petit oiseau à la gorge orangée est un précieux allié pour les jardiniers ? Voici…
See how a scientist captured the most amazing pictures of garden birds
Dr Crabb used his scientific know-how to attach a trigger to a twig with a pressure switch, when the bird launched itself from branch it set off the camera
Pictures of the day: 13 August 2013
"A robin is reflected in a mirror as it feeds on meal worms. Photographer Mike Walker placed the mirror on the grass at his home and scattered a few meal worms around and soon he was getting shots of the bird reflected in the mirror." Aug.2013, caption fromlink
Purple Soul
Purple Soul – Le cose materiali permettono la vita; la Poesia nutre lo spirito. (G. Pannia)
19+ Trendy American Robin Bird Nature
19+ Trendy American Robin Bird Nature #nature #bird