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81 Pins
Painted Stone Landscape With Two Fishing Boats. is Painted With Acrylic Paints and Finished With Satin Varnish Protection. - Etsy Canada
Handmade Pebble Painting Colorful fish Cute Fridge Magnet ! Painted with high quality Acrylic paints and finished with Glossy varnish.
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For illustration project: take an object and turn it into a home...add some people too for gesturing experience?
Facebook Frog Family - Famiglia Rana
Painted rock, painted stone, stone painting, rock painting. Rock art, Stone art. Cactus by /
Zitronen-Minz Tischdeko
Fruchtig, frische Sommer Tischdeko… Was für tolle, frische Farben… dieses Gelb und Grün mit Weiß kombiniert… da wirds einem gleich angenehmer, bei heißen Sommertagen ( wenn sie de…
@mugeokumusgungor'in bu Instagram fotoğrafını gör • 29 beğenme