Lierna - Poppi

Lierna is a small village in the proximity of Poppi, overlooking the Casentino Valley. The older part of is accessible through one only medieval door, next to the basement of the romanic church dedicated to San Michele.
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Veduta di Lierna di Poppi. Antico borgo medioevale con i resti di un castello dei conti Guidi.#paese#village #borgo#panorama #landscape #volgotoscana #tuscanybuzz #tuscanypeople #visitarezzo #volgoitalia #volgoarezzo #igerstoscana #igerarezzo #visititalia #visitituscany #visit_italiadascoprire #made_in_tuscany #winterintuscany #toscana_super_pics #besttoscanapics#tv_landscapes #turism_in_italy #rsa_rural #borghitalia#top_italia_photo#volgofirenze#ig_arezzo#bestborghipics
Art retreat & holiday home in Tuscany
Mario, the local artist, working on his frescoes in the little San Michele church
Art retreat & holiday home in Tuscany
Lierna well represents the typical stone architecture of the villages in the Casentino Valley
Art retreat & holiday home in Tuscany
Lierna well represents the typical architecture of the medieval villages in the Casentino Valley
Art retreat & holiday home in Tuscany
village only entrance
Art retreat & holiday home in Tuscany
Lierna well represents the typical architecture of the medieval villages in the Casentino Valley
Art retreat & holiday home in Tuscany
Lierna well represents the typical architecture of the medieval villages in the Casentino Valley
Art retreat & holiday home in Tuscany
The San Michele tower bell, and castle's towers in Lierna, Poppi.
Art retreat & holiday home in Tuscany
Lierna well represents the typical architecture of the medieval villages in the Casentino Valley
Art retreat & holiday home in Tuscany
stone houses in Lierna, Tuscany