Being joyful, Quotes, Inspiration... How to increase your joy level?
33 Pins
Simply Smile! Love this reminder! We at Candela Amica laugh a lot, hope you can…
Spiritual Messages | Every Day Spirit
Peace like a river, joy like a fountain, love like the ocean in my soul. #joy For the app of beautiful wallpapers ~ xo
How to Choose Joy ~ Right Where You Are . . . Really.
How to Choose Joy ~ Right Where You Are . . . Really
Living Joyful - Interview with Ruby
Don't we all look for the same thing? Don't we all want to be joyful all the time? But is that even possible and how? I think it is, if you understand what true joy really means. Everyone has the birthright to be filled with joy! Read this blog and find your inspiration for more joy!!
La gioia guarisce!
Il nostro stato interiore influenza e condiziona il livello di benessere generale e ci permette di attrarre ciò che ci è utile, diventando come dei magneti.
Four ways to increase your joy | Candela Amica
Great article, practical & inspiring on how to raise your joy level in life. Don't we all want to live more joyful, be filled with joy every day? Save these tricks, practice them everyday and watch what happens :)! #joyfuljune #candelamica
Candela Amica | Gualdo Tadino
"Let me soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts" Paramhansa Yogananda
Candela Amica | Gualdo Tadino
Live your life to the fullest. Pin this reminder to stay positive, to stay in JOY!
Candela Amica | Gualdo Tadino
"The laughter of the Infinite God must vibrate though your smile." Paramhansa Yogananda
Fa’ ciò che ti appassiona e la gioia ti raggiungerà!
Segui il tuo sogno e la tua passione! La gioia e nel fare cosa ami! Fare ogni giorno ciò che ci piace e ci appassiona ci rende infinitamente felici e gioiosi!!
How we create our candles with joy
Super bubbly joyful article about the craft of candle making and how we fill our day with joy! Share your candle joy moments with us using this hashtag #CAcandlejoy to win one of our new basic candle sets!
Gratefully Embracing every Moment
Wonderful article about embracing life, embracing gratitude with you heart! Living fully present and mindful for the beauty of the simple things! Save this wonderful read :)
Smile and be happy :) What a picture! I wonder how they got that bird to sit on his hat?