tombolo natale

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L'arte del ricamo. Il tombolo
L'arte del ricamo. Il tombolo
L'arte del ricamo. Il tombolo
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L'arte del ricamo. Il tombolo
L'arte del ricamo. Il tombolo
"Рождественские мотивы"
"Рождественские мотивы"
For Lace in North America and Beyond
Tønder Lace (All Levels)--Class is Full. Coralville Convention 2015: Tønder is a fine point ground lace from Denmark. The Copenhagen hole and intricate gimp movements are among the many things that make this lace both fascinating and beautiful. Pattern choices range from beginner pieces to advanced and will be chosen by the student and teacher. Students will progress at their own pace. There are many more patterns available. 12 hrs. A307 (Bobbi Donnelly)
renda de bilros / bobbin lace Natal / Christmas
Spec - Károlyi Béla - Picasa-Webalben:
Сколок - ёлочка, снежинка.