Giovanni Barbieri Bolero Collection

New Latest Giovanni Barbieri Texture on Natural Stone.
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Bathroom wall tiles custom made design, by Barbieri.
MARKED in classic antiqued version with high honed surface on Marked lines pattern of 5 different models obtaining always different marked etched lines lenghts never ripetitive... Available to be produced on minimum size of 4" x 4" x3/8 through 48" x 96" x 1" 1/2.
DNA" is a fascinating waterjet cut pattern available in two different models accentuating its possibility to be installed in different ways: straight, reverse or intersected in the middle. The accuracy of the developed research has obtained the result to create, with only two models, a wall or a floor where the inlay-decoration features a continuous movement which is never repetitive.
Giovanni Barbieri Floor and Wall Products Design
timeworn decor custom made design size cm 35 x 55 x 1 ( 14" x 22" x 3/8 ) By Barbieri.
Giovanni Barbieri Floor and Wall Products Design
cm 35 x 55 ( 14" x 22" x 3/8 ) bianco antico italian marble custom made design, by Barbieri.
Giovanni Barbieri Floor and Wall Products Design
Bathroom wall tiles custom made design, by Barbieri.
Giovanni Barbieri Floor and Wall Products Design
custom made design by Barbieri.
Giovanni Barbieri Floor and Wall Products Design
custom made design. by Barbieri
Etched in ecological way and handrubbed.
Renaissance in classic antiqued version. Composed with 3 different models having 3 different density of decoration applied. Random or regular installation. Bolero Collection in classic antiqued version with high honed surface on 17th Century decorative style. Composed with 3 different models having 3 different density of decoration. The random or regular installation help to obtain a never ripetitive decorative pattern results. Available in sizes of 4" x 4" x 3/8 through 48" x 96" x 1" 1/2.
The latest Bolero Collection is a very new and different aesthetic surface: every single tile appear to be composed by many different single waterjet shapes with Barbieri Texture. Available from next January 2014. Available to be produced on minimum size of 4" x 4" x 3/8 through 48" x 96" x 1" 1/2 Design By Roberto Lanaro .