Spiritual & Chakras

155 Pins
اسرار عن شعرك في الجسد الطاقي
اسرار عن شعرك في الجسد الطاقي
ake a moment to calm down, bring your body right back into the present and breathe.  Breathe into your belly, feeling the breath flow into your nose, your throat, your chest, and your diaphragm. Slowly breathe out your nose, letting all the air leave your body, and release the tension in your forehead, your cheeks, your jaw and neck.  Carry on with the rest of your day, feeling lighter and more calm. Save this for when you need under 1min to just de-stress.
30secs to Feel Calm
ake a moment to calm down, bring your body right back into the present and breathe. Breathe into your belly, feeling the breath flow into your nose, your throat, your chest, and your diaphragm. Slowly breathe out your nose, letting all the air leave your body, and release the tension in your forehead, your cheeks, your jaw and neck. Carry on with the rest of your day, feeling lighter and more calm. Save this for when you need under 1min to just de-stress.
لحفظ طاقتك من انستا orkeda.ae
لحفظ طاقتك من انستا orkeda.ae
سر طاقي من انستا orkeda.ae
سر طاقي من انستا orkeda.ae
طاقة الشكوى و التذمر من انستا orkeda.ae
طاقة الشكوى و التذمر من انستا orkeda.ae
علامات تدل ان الشخص غير متصل بذاته من انستا orkeda.ae
علامات تدل ان الشخص غير متصل بذاته من انستا orkeda.ae
تنمية و روحانيات من انستا orkeda.ae
تنمية و روحانيات من انستا orkeda.ae
تنمية و روحانيات من انستا orkeda.ae
تنمية و روحانيات من انستا orkeda.ae
الصحوة الروحية من انستا orkeda.ae
الصحوة الروحية من انستا orkeda.ae
المرأة ذات الذكورة المرتفعة ، من انستا orkeda.ae
المرأة ذات الذكورة المرتفعة ، من انستا orkeda.ae