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artist Kiki Smith: "Making art is a lot about seeing what happens if you put some energy into something."
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One of the earliest photos showing a Native American with a wolf - unlike the myths created about wolves by settlers, Indians maintained a close and respectful relationship with wolves.
Marija Gimbutas - Signs Out of Time
Marija Gimbutas brought together archaeological evidence, comparative mythology and folklore, and symbolic interpretations that asserts the existence in prehistoric Europe of a widespread culture centered on the Goddess, lifegiver and sustainer, as well as death-wielder. Through the examination of hundreds of Paleolithic and mostly Neolithic pieces, she traced cross-cultural and cross-chronological symbolic parallels, some of which where quite broad and open to several types of inference.
AngloGold Ashanti’s Celestial Origins - Kristen Malan’s Halo is an exquisite headpiece, made up of 495 separate gold elements and 45 moveable sections. Kristen explains, “Halo, a reverential, other worldly symbol associated with greatness, celebrates the celestial moment when gold, the most precious of all elements, came into being.” - Photographs by Andrea Gwynn
I made a helmet out of an old analog monitor
Ran Ortner - Swell, 2006 - oil on canvas - Imgur
Tsonamgel Lama, former Buddhist monk and master painter of Thangka Mandalas
Beatrice Wood
Artist Beatrice Wood: Her most productive years were from age 80 to 105. "I owe it all to art books, chocolate and young men."
Kelsey Brookes
Serotonin; Happiness and Spiritual States ~ artist Kelsey Brookes #art #abstract #myt