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396 Pins
Federico Babina's ARCHIPLAN Illustrations Analyze the Floorplans of Master Architects
Federico Babina's ARCHIPLAN Illustrations Analyze the Floorplans of Master Architects,© Federico Babina
This Unbelievable House In Australia Seems To Float Above The Sea
This Unbelievable House In Australia Seems To Float Above The Sea
Couvent de la Tourette
Le Corbusier, forcément Le Corbusier Couvent de La Tourette, Le Corbusier, 1960, Photo by weyerdk.
Oxygen Eco-tower | Progetto CMR | Archello
Progetto CMR Engineering Integrated Services S.r.l. - Project - Oxygen Eco-tower
How Long Did Famous Structures Take to Build?
How Long Did Famous Structures Take to Build? INTRIGUING ARCHITECTURE long pin full of information about history of famous buildings across the centuries. #DdO:) - https://www.pinterest.com/DianaDeeOsborne/intriguing-architecture/ - DATES and names of ARCHITECTS included, as well as less known fascinating info some people call #trivia. Pinned via Montbiz.. Source: infografía
There’s An Amazing House In Tehran Whose Rooms Rotate 90° To Adapt To The Weather
There’s An Amazing House In Tehran Whose Rooms Rotate 90° To Adapt To The Weather