Idee lavoretti scuola dell'infanzia

389 Pins
Slime with Glue
How to make slime with glue and a little glitter inside too! Easy recipe using just a few ingredients, and you can make it any color you like. via /thetypicalmom/
Bâton de pluie: fabriquer cet instrument à percussion avec Tête à modeler
Les instruments à percussion permettent de découvrir la musique, le rythme et de faire la fête... Autant ludique à fabriquer qu'à manipuler ce bâton de pluie a des effets relaxants.
Decorazioni natalizie con pasta al bicarbonato
Come creare semplici decorazioni natalizie con la pasta modellabile al bicarbonato pronta in pochi minuti, morbidissima per le mani dei bambini, gluten-free.
Reusable Water Balloons - DIY, Sponge, Kids Birthday Party, Summer
Easy DIY Tutorial on How To make Kids Sponge Water Bombs! Great idea for Summer Kids Parties!
Palle di spugna per una festa acquatica estiva.
Refrigerio estivo per grandi e piccoli, i tutto handmade!!!
How To Make Putty (2-Ingredient DIY Silly Putty!)
Looking for a fun activity that will keep your kids busy for hours? This DIY Silly Putty recipe takes less than 5 minutes to make and kids LOVE squeezing, pulling, stretching, and playing with their very own putty! Plus it only requires 2 common household ingredients (NO borax) and is so EASY to make!
Rainbow Sponge Painting
Rainbow Sponge Painting - fun rainbow art for kids that explores colour mixing, blending and textures.
Mi sentirete parlare ancora spesso di plastica e della fiera appena vissuta (Abilmente) , l'esperienza è stata intensa,e gli incontri uman...
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