Christian theme sculptures

Christian theme sculptures: christian sculptures for sale, jesus statue, jesus sculpture to order, mother teresa sculpture, virgin mary sculpture
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Sculpture of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with a book. 2014, fireclay. Sculptor Alexey Leonov
Поздравляю с Днем Святого Николая Чудотворца! Пусть мир наполнится Светом Добрых Чудес! Божьего благословения и заступничества Вам! Скульптура Святого Николая Чудотворца с книгой. 2014, скульптура. __________ Happy St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Day! Let the world be filled with the Light of Good Miracles! God's blessing and intercession! Sculpture of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with a book. 2014, sculpture. ____________
Апостол Андрей Первозванный. 2008, шамот. Скульптор А.Леонов
С Днем Андрея Первозванного! Скульптура Андрея Первозванного, 2008, шамот После Сошествия Святого Духа Святой Андрей отправился с проповедью Слова Божия в восточные страны. Прошёл Малую Азию, Фракию, Македонию, дошёл до Дуная, прошёл побережье Чёрного моря, Крым, Причерноморье. Основал в Херсонесе церковь, после чего отправился в Скифию. По Днепру поднялся до места, где стоит теперь город Киев. Здесь он останавливался у Киевских гор на ночлег. Встав утром, он сказал бывшим с ним ученикам: “Видит
Св. Серафим Саровский. Стояние на камне. 2020, шамот. Скулптор А. Леонов
«Истинная вера не может быть без дел, кто истинно верует, тот непременно имеет и дела». 30 июля 1754 родился СЕРАФИМ САРОВСКИЙ, иеромонах Саровского монастыря, основатель и покровитель Дивеевской женской обители. Один из наиболее почитаемых православных святых. Серафим Саровский. Стояние на камне. 2020 год, шамот. #sculpture #sculpture #sculptors #sculptures #modernsculpture #sculpting #sculptureartist #greatteachero #sculptoreartist #sculptoreart #artsculpture #artproject #artwork #art _______
Seraphim Sarovski. Standing on a stone. 2020, fireclay. Sculptor A.Leonov
True faith cannot remain without works. One who truly believes will also surely perform good works". July 30, 1754 was born SERAPHIM OF SAROV (1754-1833). Hieromonch of the Sarov monastery, founder and patron of the Diveevo women's monastery. One of the most honored orthodox saints. Seraphim Sarovsky. Standing on a stone. 2020, fireclay.
"St. Sergius of Radonezh, presenter of Andrei Rublev", 2005, fireclay. ___________
Поздравляю с праздником Святой Троицы! "Св. Сергий Радонежский, ведущий Андрея Рублёва", 2005, шамот. ____________ Happy Holy Trinity! "St. Sergius of Radonezh, presenter of Andrei Rublev", 2005, fireclay. ___________ #sculptorl #sculpture #sculptors #sculptures #modernsculpture #sculpting #sculptureartist #greatteacherofhumanity #sculptoreartist #sculptoreart #artsculpture #artproject #artwo
King Solomon. 2004, chamotte
Heart and mind two incompatible parts of one inseparable whole. The mind must remain cold, but the heart must be hot. Keep your mind clear when your heart is burning – and you will be doing acts that you could not even think about before.” Solomon - wise legendary governor, philosopher of the united kingdom of Israel (about 1011 BC - 931 BC) King Solomon expressed his wisdom not only in actions, but also in parables. The “Creator of Parables” expounded thoughts on God, His properties, His world
Jesus with children. 2011, chamotte. Sculptor A.Leonov
Jesus Christ loved children very much. He set children as an example to His disciples, so that they would be as kind and innocent as children. Fathers and mothers knew this, and wherever Jesus Christ passed, they tried to bring their children to Him so that He would bless them. Once a lot of women with children came to the Teacher, all asked for blessings. The disciples, seeing the tightness and crush, did not allow their mothers close to the Teacher. Then Jesus Christ said to them: “Let the chi
Savior. 2007. Chamotte. Sculptor Alexey Leonov
Христос Воскрес! Поздравляю с католической Пасхой! #пасха #христос #христосвоскрес #воскресенье #спасхой #католическаяпасха #иисусскульптура #иисус #скульптура #авторскаяскульптура #красота #духовность _______ Christ is Risen! Happy Catholic Easter! #Easter #Christ #ChristisRisen #Sunday #Savior #CatholicEaster #Jesussculpture #Jesus #sculpture #author'ssculpture #beauty #spirituality
Happy Epiphany holiday! John the Baptist. 2015. fireclay. Sculptor Alexey Leonov
Happy Epiphany holiday! John the Baptist. 2015. fireclay. Sculptor Alexey Leonov
Happy Epiphany holiday! John the Baptist. 2015. fireclay. Sculptor Alexey Leonov
Happy Epiphany holiday! John the Baptist. 2015. fireclay God's blessing and the highest intercession, peace, goodness and love. #Baptism # Epiphany #Jordan #JohntheBaptist #HolyWater #sculpture #JohntheBaptistSculpture #BaptismFeast #BaptismSculpture #Author'sSculpture Happy Epiphany holiday! John the Baptist. 2015. fireclay God's blessing and the highest intercession, peace, goodness and love. #Baptism # Epiphany #Jordan #JohntheBaptist #HolyWater #sculpture #JohntheBaptistSculpture #B
Sculpture "Flame of Faith. Basil the Great". 2003, fireclay.
Happy Basil of Caesarea holiday! Saint Basil the Great (329 - 379) is truly Great, which manifested itself in three virtues of his life: he is the Great Archpastor of the Church, the Great Lawgiver of monastic life and his Great Holiness. "St. Basil is one of the brightest and most glorious figures of the ancient Greek Church... His rules became the code of monastic life in the East, as the rules of St. Benedict in the West... He is an ascetic, bishop, besidnik, teacher, theologian and scient