Concrete Furniture | Design

Apart from building construction, concrete is a material used for outdoor elements or urban furniture like benches, fountains and waste bins. nowadays we can also find it more and more indoors, used for lamps, tables or even bookcases. If you like the material aspect of an object you must follow this board! #concrete #cement #grey #materials
106 Pins
Beyond Brutalism. Design by Forma&Cemento
Fusto Collection - Concrete Domestic Landscape (Terzo Piano)
Beyond Brutalism. Design by Forma&Cemento
Fusto Bookshelf II + Coffee Table B - Studio Irvine x Forma&Cemento (ph. Serena Eller)
50 MM Rectangular fiber cement table By Forma&Cemento | design Giorgio La Corte
Rectangular fiber cement table 50 MM By Forma&Cemento design GIORGIO LA CORTE
Beyond Brutalism. Design by Forma&Cemento
50 MM - Giorgio La Corte x Forma&Cemento (ph. Possenti - Ossino)