
18 Pins
The Stairs by Tuna Önder / 500px
The Stairs by Tuna Önder on 500px
Sometimes you just have to be lonely to understand the fun that comes with when being with others. -Kendra Gokey
いいね!9,552件、コメント30件 ― Instagram Japanさん(@instagramjapan)のInstagramアカウント: 「@instagramjapan…」
Çekip gidesim var buralardan, Bu, TEK DÜZE Kurallar içinde boğulmuş hayatlardan... İnsan gibi İNSAN olunan İNSAN yerine konulan memleketleri özledim....
Green Door by Alfon No (500px: Editors' Choice)
Green Door by Alfon No | 500px: Editors' Choice | Bloglovin’