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Testing Out a Rosco Gel Kit for Creative and Colorful Photographic Lighting
1: Full CTO; 2: 1/2 CTO. For this image I used the CTO to create the look of a sunset. Since there was no sun out that day, I figured I could create one myself with a flash and a reflector dish. I placed my flash outside and another to my right so it could bounce on the wall. The CTO can reproduce the temperature of a sunset really well and allows a lot of possibilities.
© Peter Coulson 2013 Photographer Peter Coulson @ Model: Audrey Vicious Models Hair & Makeup: Saphire Gaskas Designer: Vicky Papas-Vergara Assistant: Emily Sarah Loughnan Lighting: 1.8 meter Bowens Octagonal soft box and a 3.3 Broncolor Para Model:Hasselblad H5D-50 Shutter Speed:1/250 second Aperture:F/9 Focal Length:100 mm ISO Speed:100
© Peter Coulson 2013 Photographer Peter Coulson @ Model: Zoe Elena Vicious Models Hair & Makeup: Caroline Olweny Hair & Makeup Assistant: Shirley Davis Lighting: 1.5 meter Broncolor Octagonal soft box & white board reflector clam shell style
Alice Kelson by Peter Coulson » Strangely Compelling - Fashion | Art | Photography
Alice Kelson by Peter Coulson » Strangely Compelling - Fashion | Art | Photography#My Art Institute
Les Superbes Portraits Noir et Blanc de Peter Coulson #face - #blackandwhite #Portraits by Peter Coulson