free library

175 Pins
How to Install a Solar Light on a Little Free Library - Little Free Library
You might not suspect it, but your book-sharing box probably gets late-night visitors. It's more common than you think! But keeping your Little Free Library lit up for those night-owl browsers can be a challenge. Solar lights to the rescue! Adding a solar light is a long-term, eco-friendly lighting solution, and it's exactly what stewards [...]
22 of the most creatively designed Little Free Libraries
23 of the most creatively designed Little Free Libraries | MNN - Mother Nature Network
22 of the most creatively designed Little Free Libraries
23 of the most creatively designed Little Free Libraries | MNN - Mother Nature Network
Un arbrolivre dans Toulouse : poétique, utile… et beau tout simplement - Le blog à lire
Un arbrolivre dans Toulouse : poétique, utile… et beau tout simplement |
Little Free Library
Little Free Library - Take a book and return a book in Nolita's Little Free Library.
“Prendi uno, lasci uno”, il nuovo universo delle “Little Free Library”
si mettono i libri che sono piaciuti, quelli che si sono odiati, i doppioni
Make a Free Little Library for the Neighborhood
Little Free Library is a creative idea, thought up by Todd Bol and Rick Brooks, that aims to promote literacy and bring communities together by putting up mini libraries in neighborhoods around the world. Started in 2009, it's a nonprofit that seeks to place these small, accessible book exchange boxes right in front of a house or on a street corner. (Take a book, return a book.) Make a Free Little Library for the Neighborhood - My Modern
News and Events
images of little free libraries | ... Little Free Library shelf, located in the lobby of Crumb Library
Winnie and Fritz Duhe. Lafayette, LA. In 2002 Hurricane Lily took our beautiful 80+ year old elm tree. Two years later we replaced it with a live oak tree. On the day we planted it my neighbor's first grandchild was born, Caroline Ayers. So we named the tree after her. She is now a 10 year old budding artist. We asked her to design and paint our Library. She and her brother Parker are pictured with their finished project, under Caroline (live oak tree). We are all so proud of them!
Bonito ejemplo del movimiento 'LITTLE FREE LIBRARY' ("Pequeña librería gratuita"). Su lema es "Take a Book, Return a Book" (Tome un libro, deje un libro), y la idea es sencilla: pequeñas bibliotecas construidas e instaladas por los socios de la plataforma en la parte delantera de sus casas o en lugares públicos. (LIBRERÍA TERRAFERMA)
BRITISH COLUMBIA, Coalmont #3527
BRITISH COLUMBIA, Coalmont #3527, Mini-fridge turned Library, now that's upcycling!
39 Wildly Creative Little Free Library Designs - Little Free Library
Vancouver Self Storage #44685 Vancouver, B