Gift Ideas

Yes!!! Great Idea....
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Repeat for all of the tiles. As long as you move somewhat quickly, you'll have enough time to Mod Podge all of the tiles first, and then lay the pictures down. Once they're all coated, let them dry.
Pioneer Homemade Apple Pie Sugar Scrub
How to make homemade apple pie sugar scrub. Perfect for gifts and all natural ingredients!
15 Homemade Gift Ideas for Teens
Apples with caramel cream cheese dip - put dip in mason jar and include a whole apple for a cute gift!
cover toilet paper roll, adhere and put inside mason jar. Fill around the roll with favorite candy. This is the COOLEST way ever to give money!!
3 Valentine Gifts in a Jar + GIVEAWAY! - Home Cooking Memories
Homemade Valentines Day Gifts in a Jar - Smores in a Jar - DIY Valentines Day Ideas Repinned By:#TheCookieCutterCompany
happy 40th comp
gift for any age jar, ribbon, and a pillar of card-stock filled with candy (like jellybeans or Hershey kisses) to support the $. Have each dollar represent each year.