
201 Pins
Salvador Dalí’s Real Masterpiece: The Logo For Chupa Chups Lollipops
WORKING AT A CAFE TABLE FOR AN HOUR, SALVADOR DALÍ MANAGED TO DESIGN A LOGO THAT’S SOLD BILLIONS. Found on Co.Design today, Salvador Dalí, the wacky surrealist known for his Fu Manchu mustache and …
Sean - couldn't stand him when he was a kid but golly, now he's a better actor, and better looking! His face has such character in it.
Sean Penn as Brad Whitewood Jr, "At Close Range", 1986 AWESOME movie....based on a true story! Great cast!
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Sean Penn in "Mystic River". Clint Eastwood directed. One of my top 5 faves! Extremely good movie
Patrick Swirc - Le Theatre de la Photographie et de image de Nice
Willem Dafoe by Patrick Swirc