Black & White

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Old skool / Listening booths. People used to go to record stores and listen to records in a "listening booth"...quite an event!
By Gone America
Twin teenage girls reading and writing letters in their room, 1944. By Fritz Goro
Emiliano Brunori
Wayne Miller: USA. 1958. Children in a movie theater.
Inspecting a freight train from Mexico for smuggled immigrants, June 1938. Photo credit: Dorothea Lange / Library of Congress — in El Paso, Texas.
A decade before the Consumer Electronics Show began in Las Vegas, inventors convened in New York for the 1958 International Gadget and Invention Show. Below, a woman uses one of the inventions to multitask while reading. See more: (Ralph Morse—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)
The Photos That Gave Americans Their First Glimpse of Apartheid in 1950
This LIFE photo essay introduced Americans to South Africa's devastating system of segregation.
André KERTÉSZ :: La Boca, Buenos Aires, ARG, July 18th, 1962 [from On Reading]
The Greatest Photo Collection Never Seen
Coney Island, New York, 1950s. (Photograph by Vivian Maier/Courtesy Cityfiles Press.)