Spectacles / Pince-nez

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JAUME FERRER Pannello dipinto (dett.) di San Girolamo, Sant Martino e San Sebastiano, 1450 ca Museo Nazionale di Arte della Catalogna - MNAC, Barcellona (Spagna) inv. 114742
Occhiale in dipinto su tavola del 1500 c.
MAESTRO DI S. ANNA, "La famiglia di S. Anna" (dett.), Trittico, pannello centrale, 1500 c., MSK Ghent. Foto by Rein Coppens, FLICKR.
Detail from PIERO DI COSIMO (artist), "The Visitation with Saint Nicholas and Saint Anthony Abbot", c. 1489/1490, in the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, The Samuel H. Kress Collection, 1939.1.361 - Captured by Andrea Carloni, Rimini. Source: http://www.nga.gov/content/ngaweb/Collection/art-object-page.505.html
Medieval glasses: Dropped in the toilet As letter types decreased in size, glasses came into use, likely in the 13th century. These were usually clip-on models without support behind the ears. This is a pair of 14th-century glasses. These glasses were excavated from a medieval toilet in the Augustinian monastic house in Freiburg, Germany.
Occhiali XV sec, affresco di Canavesio
FONTE: Marie-Astrid Chazottes, "Matières de luxe, matières du quotidien", Tesi di Laurea, Univ. Aix-Marseille, tomo 2
Jan van Eyck-Madonna del canonico van der Paele(dettaglio), 1436, olio su tavola, 141x176,5 cm, Bruges, Groeningemuseum
The earliest surviving spectacles from Kloster Wienhausen, Germany- The former Cistercian Catholic nunnery, is famous as the home of the earliest surviving spectacles, which were found beneath the floorboards between the choir stalls. The finds included four black leather bow spectacles, two complete wooden rivetted spectacles with plano-convex lenses and nine other rivet spectacle fragments, from between the 15th and 17th century. (via Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Occhiali XV sec, opera di L. Costa
FONTE: Marie-Astrid Chazottes, "Matières de luxe, matières du quotidien", Tesi di Laurea, Univ. Aix-Marseille, tomo 2
Replica occhiali XV sec
Riconstruction of late 15th c. spectacles using coeval sources, philological raw materials and 100% genuine handicraft techniques. Project by IMAGO ANTIQUA Cult. Ass., Italy. #15thcentury #Quattrocento #XVsecolo #XVsec #pincenez #occhiale #occhiali #miopia #presbiopia #occhialimedievali #occhialistorici #spectacles #medievalspectacles
All About Glass
Medieval Glass: Spectacles. From the Corning Museum of Glass. No other information about this image (which clearly is a part of a larger picture) appears on the page.
eyeglasses - Detail from The Disputation of St. Katherine with the Philosophers, c. 1455-1460
The Laughing Jester, 15th c. Anonymous author, Netherlands. Art museum of Sweden, Stockholm.