clay pendant

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New Metal Pendants by Polygolems. This unique necklace is handmade using a fairly new process in the polymer clay world. The individual components of the necklace are hand fashioned, cured, then painted with a special metallic surfacer. The metallic surfacer has real ground bits of metal, suspended in an clear acrylic base, and thus the ground metal bits react to traditional patinas.
Laura Tabakman Jewelry Over the years, Laura Tabakman has developed a broad range of polymer jewelry including pieces that are geometric and architectural along with some that are more relaxed and organic in style. From Secret Life of Jewelry - A Universe of Handcrafted Art to Wear
Esta artesana convierte madera vieja en joyería única usando su forma natural
Esta artesana convierte madera vieja en joyería única usando su forma natural
water etching porcelain
Resultado de imagen de ceramic jewellery water etching
Bijou contemporain en corne de zébu polie
what would this look like without the necklace??? Good, but not great, right?
Ottone, patina e argento: una collana
Nu-gold brass, green patina, sterling silver necklace | Handmade by Beads and Tricks