
703 Pins
Soldiers grave stones - a source for the study of Roman army (by Signifer Q.Claudius Secundus Petilianus)
he grave stone of the legionary Caius Valerius Crispus, about 75 AD, here's he served in the Legio VIII Augusta. At his death he was 40 years old and had served 21 years
Oval Cameo, St Dimitrios
Oval cameo of glass paste, with a representation of St Dimitrios. Period: Middle Byzantine; circa...
Santu Antine, Sardinia: A Megalithic House Built for a King?
Santu Antine, Sardinia: A Megalithic House Built for a King?
Siberian Times
Ancient Jew’s harps found in Altai Mountains as musical instruments reappear after 1,700 years
Blogging Pompeii
Reconstruction of the triclinium of the Villa of the Mysteries (by Stanton Abbott and Elaine Gazda).
I quattro “stili” della pittura Pompeiana
Il primo stile della Pittura pompeiana è la definizione con cui si rappresenta uno dei quattro "stili" della pittura di epoca romana. Collocabile a partire
SETTIMO SEVERO Arco trionfale di #Settimio #Severo, nella sua città natale, Leptis Magna.
Red Quartzite statue of a Cloaked Official, 13th Dynasty. The 12th and early 13th Dynasties comprised one of the most creative artistic epochs in Egyptian history. Artists introduced many new sculptural forms-some that continued for centuries and others that were soon abandoned. One of the period's most dramatic and long-lasting innovations was the cloaked statue. The cloak symbolized the god Osiris, whose corpse was wrapped tightly in bandages and who was eventually reborn to everlasting life.
Dramma Pompei, sei giorni per non perdere 100 milioni
Dramma Pompei, una vittima
Monete antiche in Vendita in Asta Online - Catawiki
Roman Empire - Augustus (27 BC-AD 14). AV Aureus, Lugdunum (Lyon) mint. Struck 2 BC- AD 12
Scavi di Ercolano | Herculaneum Ruins | Prenota Hotel Ercolano
The continent of Aethiopia before Africanus: The Roman general Scipio Africanus, victor of the Battle of Zama, which ended the Second Punic War in 202 BC. From excavations in Herculaneum.