
24 Pins
Sananoor Jam Holding Corporate Identity
The second phase for the Sananoor communication group corporate design was to create a brand identity for Sananoor Jam, the holding company that manages and directs the operations of four sub-brands.
Impaginazione tavole di architettura: guida al layout perfetto.
Impaginazione tavole: le tecniche che dovresti assolutamente usare nelle tue tavole di architettura.
Gallery of Daniel Valle Architects Unveils Winning Kindergarten Design for Seoul - 4
Daniel Valle Architects Unveils Winning Kindergarten Design for Seoul,Courtesy of Daniel Valle Architects 9e7d48e1196d87036b55075b8369243b?AccessKeyId=2C04211207C26FADF66B&disposition=0&alloworigin=1
Glenelg Foreshore Playspace - an innovative play experience
Glenelg Foreshore Playspace – an innovative play experience #LandscapeArchitecture #play #australia #water #beach #foreshore
Sananoor Corporate Identity - Mohsen Beygzadeh
Showcase and discover creative work on the world's leading online platform for creative industries.
Sananoor Corporate Identity - Mohsen Beygzadeh
Showcase and discover creative work on the world's leading online platform for creative industries.
Sananoor Corporate Identity - Mohsen Beygzadeh
Showcase and discover creative work on the world's leading online platform for creative industries.