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a black and white photo with the words you are always responsible for how you act, no matter how you feel
Life Quotes at Curiano.com
a cell phone with an image of a woman's face and words on the screen
Spiritual Nexus
two things prevent us from happiness living in the past and observing others
Life Quotes – Curiano
Live Life Quote, Life Quote, Love Quotes and more -> Curiano Quotes Life
the quote if you allow people to make more wildraws than deposits in your life, you will be out of balance and in the negative
Life Quotes – Curiano
Looking for #Quotes, Life #Quote, #Love Quotes, Quotes about moving on, and Best Life Quotes here. Visit curiano.com "Curiano Quotes Life"! S✧s
the universe responds to our inner yearnings by mysteriously bringing people into our life to answer our questions.... - denise linn #quotes #spiritual Ayurveda, 13 Universal Laws, Soul Tribe, Dear Universe, Quantum Energy, Universal Laws, A Course In Miracles, Amazing People, Spiritual Awakening
Shiny Starr Light
the universe responds to our inner yearnings by mysteriously bringing people into our life to answer our questions.... - denise linn #quotes #spiritual